Sunday, December 15, 2013

Steam Sales, My secret addiction

Well, everybody knows my love/hate of Steam, I think they are going in a wrong direct with all the consoles and Gaben’s strict support of Linux, which even though he is a large partner to Linux, I think he needs to back off with all his pushing with it. But within steam hides my secret addiction. Holiday sales, there I said it, I am addicted to steam sales but trust me, if you had a love of games and have a large backlog of games i have to play like i have you would get addicted too.
Now what are this Steam Holiday sales you ask, if you are a total causal who has never touched a PC game. While for every major holiday Steam has a major sale, for 2 weeks they put games on crazy sales and when I say crazy i mean crazy. Major games that just came out, like AAA titles that just came off the shelves that are 60$ dollars every where else, are on sale for 50% to 90% off. All types of games and every games goes on sale for at least 50% off. But the main hook of my addiction are the flash sales and daily sales. All kinds of popular games go on sale for crazy cheap but the catch is its limited. I own Skyrim on my Xbox 360 and I have beat several times, but game was 85% off for the complete box on sale, so obviously I had to buy them and it was only for 8 hours. I would routinely check my computer to see what games I could vote for to go on sale or what games were on sale. I will spend around 75$ dollars on every sale but I will get like 10 games which is crazy, normally would cost you over 200 dollars. Plus their trading cards. They are only available during sales and you get them voting 3 times and every time you spend 10 increments. I would then go and sale to other people because you can totally rip off some suckers but if you collect them all you can get crazy good specially items for games you play.
My addiction is a common one though because Steam sales crazy amounts of games, and they make enough money to almost give some games away. Plus just the enticement of the ability to buy a 30$ game for 5 dollars but my favorite is the super cheap indies games. I can get games for nickels and dimes. Who could pass up the value of a 25 cent or 50 cent games that normally cost 5 to 10 dollars. I mean I am getting game for the amount of money that if I dropped it on the ground, I probably would not even bother to pick it up. I hope one day I can pass up a Steam sale with having to empty out my pockets but if you have a stronger will than m, I suggest you go check out the next steam sale.