Saturday, March 22, 2014

Moving to Mobile, but for how long?

In general the technology growths today as well as just the increase in the market for PC’s are to found found in the mobile areas. With the increase in popular with smartphones, tablets, and laptops it makes sense. Because of the increase in popularity of smart phones people want to do other things on the move. They want to be able to watch their favorite shows while on the go, to do all sorts of things like update Facebook from the Doctor’s office or Twit while driving. This push for more mobility has caused a lot of the focus from developers to switch to improving mobile technology instead of all around advancements.
Inside of looking to design a processor that has double the power of other processors but instead looks to make the current processors smaller and cheaper. This is not generally a good thing. If you look at the price’s of new hardware for PC’s you will find the prices going up and not that many advancements as there use to be. This trend can not continue on its current path. You can not just keep making the parts smaller and smaller, the size makes it so it uses way more energy and wastes a lot more as well making the unit give out faster. Something needs to change in order to be able to keep the advancements coming. The technology used needs to change, like the use of nano tubes and fibers, or something less radically, like creating smaller and more useful heat sinks for your phone to be able to cool it off.
But will the craving for newer and better mobile devices wear off after a while or will we keep heading in this direction?  While hopefully a new and better thing comes and takes its place. Like VR or a advancement, my hopes is though things like like glasses and watches, wearable s because the current smartphone craze needs to die off eventually. At the moment smartphones should not really be called just phones, they are a lot of things, like a mobile computer, a social media platform as well as things like writing papers on them or playing games. Unless there is a new advancement things will keep going towards mobile but the rate will slow down greatly, it already has with small little things like , adding a fingerprint scanner that does nothing really and a slightly larger battery but the faster processor uses up all the extra battery life it gives you.

Should you build you own computer?

Should people build their own computers or is it a waste of time? While I believe that building your own computer is a good thing to do and will help you understand them better, but to the average consumer, is it really a viable option? There are DIY yourself computers that come in parts and you just assemble but you also could just take it into a computer shop and have them assemble it for you. There are 4 things that could be a problem though, First, there's the added cost of an operating system license. This would something like Windows or Linux. Second, it can be difficult to source quality retail components. You need to pick each part with care and they have to fit with enough other. Third, PC home brewing takes a significant amount of time and effort. You need to have patience and there is some studying that is required to do it successfully. Lastly if you have a local PC shop build the machine for you, there's a very real chance it could go out of business and leave you without support. There is also quite a fall in PC’s and a large move to mobile. Because of this a lot companies that use to make individual parts that are not used to mobile devices are having to switch their roles and make parts that do work in mobile. The price of parts are going up and just finding the right parts in getting harder and harder. So with all these things is it really a good idea to build your own computer? Well, for the average consumer I would say no, it is not worth the time and effort to build your own, buying a stock computer would suit them better. But to anyone who already has the know how or is looking for a custom, extra powerful computer I would highly recommend building your own. Many stock computers have are higher end cost a lot more and if you look at the specs they sometimes cut corners in hopes to save money, like having a small amount of RAM or a terrible graphics card. If you are scared of the task of building your own computer I would recommend looking at builds, and watching videos on the actually assembly.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Are Wearable what's next?

Smartphones are the current big seller, with one and five people in the world owning one. But are wearable the new craze? Wearable are devices that you wear, things like watches, glasses, fitness trackers and even some stranger things like clothes and tattoo with sensors and even indigestible pills that pass through your body. Big companies are investing in the less wackier types though. Google released their tests for Google glasses, and many companies are working on kinds of watches. Now people most people don’t know but the wearable are not made to replace your other gadgets, but are instead a way to collect data or do other things and relay back to the main device. While I believe they are a long way off, wearable the next step. Imagine if all you notifications were pushing to your watch or glasses. Instead of having to pull out your phone you could use your watch to quick send texts or view emails. You could check everything just as you would check your time. It could do many things to simply make things better and easier in your life. You could go into a store and have everything would be sent to your glasses. You just talk into your watch and just call someone or make a note. The first uses would be health uses, it could measure your heartbeats, you could use it as pedometer or use it to help with workouts. The biggest confirmed product is the Samsung gear 2, which slimmed down its build from last product. The problems that are predicted though is Samsung refuses to link it with smartphones but their own products. This means you have buy a smart watch to match your smartphone which would limit the market by quite a bit. Many companies are predicting that while its a big market and a pausable branch in the industry it will have a lot of failures to start out with. I believe that wearable are not going to be in style this year or maybe next year, but when the hardware catches up, it will definitely be a type of product that will become popular.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Apples empire

Everyone has or knows someone with an apple product. They are everywhere, one of the most popular smartphones are iphones, the iPod and itouch control the mp3 market, and Mac book pro’s are a major player in the laptop market and their desktop’s top’s are very popular among people. But if you take a look at the power behind all their device’s you will see lackluster spec’s and underwhelming performance numbers. If you compare prices with other machines at the same price point and you will be scratching your head wondering why is this popular. Many people think that apple products are better, so they cost more but thats not true. They’re amazing “retina display” is just HD under another name. The main argument that I could believe was “all my stuff is on itunes” and people don’t want to change. But as time has gone things have gotten worse, so now is the time to change. The new Iphone is about as good as last generation smartphones from other companies. The new Iphone 5c is such a waste, costing more than most smartphones and is has just way too old technology. And the only thing new about the Iphone 5s is just the same with a fingerprint scanner. Apple computers are way more expensive than PC’s that are worse than them. The only remarkably about Mac’s are the software, which is the only thing they have patented but it is just a front, Apple has nothing new but how it’s laid out with the individual bubbles and the create of “Apps”. It seems all their effort goes into making their products look futuristic, I mean come on the Mac Pro is just a cylinder. Mac’s have their place, because the computers are designed completely for video editing and creating animations, but there is no reason for someone who does not need it for those things to have one. People are sucked into the fact that, hey it costs the most so it must be the best. But that fact is not true. The software has the looks but nothing else of value backing it up. Learning to use a regular PC is just as hard as using a Mac, I would say Mac’s are harder just because using programs and accessing things are harder on a Mac.

Why is Technology changing so fast?

It amazes me how fast technology has changed over the last century. People were astounded when handheld calculators came out. What would those people say if they saw that people today carry around these super advanced devices that act as computer as well as a phone.  Computers just started showing up in people’s homes in the 90’s, and even then they were mostly glorified typewriters. Today, just 2 decades later everyone has access to computer’s that are way more advanced and most people carry around smartphones like they are no big deal. In the last 60 years technology has changed and evolved at an incredibly fast state. Most people agree that each advancement speeds the rate of advancing, like a small snowball rolling down a hill builds up speed and size as it gathers more snow. But what was the big advancement  that lead to such a rapid increase of speed in advancement?  I think it was the invention of computers. If you think about it before computers life was a lot harder, everything had to be done by hand, you could not “save” a paper, you not just look things up if you did not know something you had to go find a book with the answer. Information in general had to be saved on paper, so business had to have archives of their work. Even things like cartoons, there was no computer animation, so each slide was hand drew. Live action films had to shot and stored on tapes, so to go back and look at footage you had to go through reels of film. In general things had to be organized perfectly or finding information and what you want would be impossible. There was no e-mail or messaging so you had to call people. If you went to the library and could not find the book, there was no check to see if it was checked out unless it was written down somewhere. Computers are everywhere nowadays. All new cars have computers in them, some factories are powered by computers,  when grocery stores had no computers in the check out every single thing had to be counted out and added up. Bar codes did not exist, shipping companies had to kept in consistent contact through phones.  Simple tasks were harder and took more time. But with the invention of computers, everything got faster. Keeping track of things was some much easier. New things were invented that helped computers move everything fast, scientist could spread research and do things more advanced, engineers could make and create things they had never even dreamed of. Life in general got easier and faster. Computers changed the world than any other device has.      

Titan Fall

The guys at Respawn Entertainment must be geniuses in the fps genre. Many of the artists and engineers have worked on the past fps giants. Some of them have been working on games for a long time. A few of the guys worked on the old Medal of Honor games that came out on the gamecube and Golden Eye, games considered to be way ahead of their time and classic’s from their time. They later went on to create their own study call Infinity Ward and from there they went on to create the Modern Warfare series, some of the best selling and considered the greats fps’s ever created. Well, after some falling out some of them left Infinity Ward and created Respawn Entertainment and Titan Fall is going to be their first release, and it’s looking to be great one. Titan Fall is considered one of the first next gen titles to come out and it has been show off quite a lot. Somehow  they created magic again, this game takes many things that other games have done and failed at and they have succeeded at almost all of them. It is extremely vertical with things like wall running, parkour, jump jets and ledge grabs. Just about everywhere is accessible to you. They get mechs right which is hard enough when the game is only about mechs but they managed to fit mechs in beautifully. The titans as the mechs are called, are powerful, strong and can easily change the tide of a battle for a objective but they can also be easily taken out by soldiers on the ground, they can jump on the back of the titan and shot a bunch of important looking parts to take out the titan or ever player has a weapon designed to take out titan’s. Other titans are a huge threat to you if you are walking around in your titan and you have to keep your eyes open for threats. The system they use to get you your titan is great as well, it is not based on killstreaks or performing certain actions, your titan is on a timer and you can do things to shorten that time, like killing the bots running around, taking objectives, killing titans and taking out other players. I thinking Titan Fall is going to be a great game and very popular and I can’t wait to play it.