Sunday, September 22, 2013


Welcome back to Diddling with technology with Jake. Today I will be talking about GTA 5 which might not seem like technology news but i have been waiting too long for this game. This is a mature game that always draws a lot of attention from the media. This is a extremely adult game that people say is too violent but they don’t see it for the chaotic fun that its is. Yes it is not a game for kids but a kid under 17 can’t get it without their parent’s permission.

Published by Rockstar Games its the 5th edition of their grand theft auto series. I have been waiting for this game for a long time and this game feels like a master piece. I got it on the day it came out and have probably put 40 hours into it already. I am not even that far into the story line because the side activates and all the mindless fun you can have in it is amazing. I feel like this has been a culmination of past works like taking the facial mapping of expressions from LA Noire and the hunting for Red Dead Redemption.

The last GTA looking pretty bad graphically but it was a huge map so people were ok with it but GTA 5 uses the RAGE engine (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine) so it looks beautiful and the physics are amazing. They have improved the weak points in the older games like the driving and shooting. Plus a huge thing for me was customization, in the other games you playing as one main character and you could change your clothes, nothing else because you had to fit that character, but in GTA 5 there are 3 main characters and you can change their haircut, clothes, tattoos, upgrade weapons, customize weapons and your cars.  It seems that the long time it took to make was worth it.

Now i won’t spoil any of the main story points and i am not done with the story mode by a long shot, its seems like the story for this game is more dramatic and more story driven it still is a lot of fun and the out world part is fantastic. The story itself is really good and i like all the characters, at first they seem really basic but you begin to learn back story and start liking Michael and Franklin. Trevor, the third character is one of the strongest points of the game but probably one of people least favorites at first but they captured his character perfectly. His is a crazy psycho meth head, but they nailed him brilliantly, his voice acting is great and his dialogue is spot on. But because they nailed him so well he is not the character i wanted to spend a lot of time on because he is so evil and cunning but explosive and violent. I give GTA 5 11/10 stars but it is not for everyone especially young kids.

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