Thursday, January 9, 2014

Games done quick

What is Games Done Quick?

Games Done Quick is a very popular live stream on Twitch that raises money for charity. But the hook that the live stream is a congregation of the best speed runners in the U.S. and runs for a week non-stop. They have one in the summer called summer games done quick and one in the winter called awesome games done quick. Despite being extremely popular its following is almost a cult because its not mainstream.  There are tons of inside jokes and memes surrounding it and if most people who have never seen it before will be thoroughly confused by the twitch chat where it erupts whenever the fabled Based YSG opens his mouth to do his legendary laugh or Tri Hex and Spiked Vegeta doing their fusion dance to combine their Afros into one mega afro.
This years AGDQ was by far the largest where they raised over 1million dollars for the prevent cancer fund and broke 100,000 watchers at once. I thought last years summer games done quick was better but thats my opinion, nonetheless AGDQ was no push over this year and it was a good time. The biggest problem is how much it affects my sleep schedule. Because it never stops you can never sleep because I do that thing where i tell myself, ‘Ohhhh just one more game and then I will go to bed” then three games later its 5 in the morning and the next five games all look fun and exciting to watch so you have to tell yourself “Ohhhh what's one night without sleep this ends up costing you. SGDQ is during the summer so its not a big deal but AGDQ is during a school week, this year Based YSG granted us 2 snow days and a half day during AGDQ which was good but the days we had school I still stayed up to see the Charles Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden that happened to bro at 3 in the morning so school the next day was a little hard.
So you might be asking what kind of games do they speed run? Well the answer is any kind of game, old, new old classics and random games you never heard of. They speed ran over 120 games this year. But the main attraction is not only the games but also the commentator and the runners, my favorite is Tri-hex, Spiked Vegeta, Bonesaw, and Toufool and YSG.  Now you might be wondering who is great YSG and what does YSG stand for? Well it means yellow shirt guy, his runner name is Blueglass though and he is a Internet meme. He is known because the first GDQ he never the audience and his odd sounding voice and laugh plus the fact that he never seemed to sleep made him a crowd favorite. I hope I have interested you in maybe watching the next SGDQ coming up this year.

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