Saturday, March 22, 2014

Moving to Mobile, but for how long?

In general the technology growths today as well as just the increase in the market for PC’s are to found found in the mobile areas. With the increase in popular with smartphones, tablets, and laptops it makes sense. Because of the increase in popularity of smart phones people want to do other things on the move. They want to be able to watch their favorite shows while on the go, to do all sorts of things like update Facebook from the Doctor’s office or Twit while driving. This push for more mobility has caused a lot of the focus from developers to switch to improving mobile technology instead of all around advancements.
Inside of looking to design a processor that has double the power of other processors but instead looks to make the current processors smaller and cheaper. This is not generally a good thing. If you look at the price’s of new hardware for PC’s you will find the prices going up and not that many advancements as there use to be. This trend can not continue on its current path. You can not just keep making the parts smaller and smaller, the size makes it so it uses way more energy and wastes a lot more as well making the unit give out faster. Something needs to change in order to be able to keep the advancements coming. The technology used needs to change, like the use of nano tubes and fibers, or something less radically, like creating smaller and more useful heat sinks for your phone to be able to cool it off.
But will the craving for newer and better mobile devices wear off after a while or will we keep heading in this direction?  While hopefully a new and better thing comes and takes its place. Like VR or a advancement, my hopes is though things like like glasses and watches, wearable s because the current smartphone craze needs to die off eventually. At the moment smartphones should not really be called just phones, they are a lot of things, like a mobile computer, a social media platform as well as things like writing papers on them or playing games. Unless there is a new advancement things will keep going towards mobile but the rate will slow down greatly, it already has with small little things like , adding a fingerprint scanner that does nothing really and a slightly larger battery but the faster processor uses up all the extra battery life it gives you.

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