Sunday, March 16, 2014

Apples empire

Everyone has or knows someone with an apple product. They are everywhere, one of the most popular smartphones are iphones, the iPod and itouch control the mp3 market, and Mac book pro’s are a major player in the laptop market and their desktop’s top’s are very popular among people. But if you take a look at the power behind all their device’s you will see lackluster spec’s and underwhelming performance numbers. If you compare prices with other machines at the same price point and you will be scratching your head wondering why is this popular. Many people think that apple products are better, so they cost more but thats not true. They’re amazing “retina display” is just HD under another name. The main argument that I could believe was “all my stuff is on itunes” and people don’t want to change. But as time has gone things have gotten worse, so now is the time to change. The new Iphone is about as good as last generation smartphones from other companies. The new Iphone 5c is such a waste, costing more than most smartphones and is has just way too old technology. And the only thing new about the Iphone 5s is just the same with a fingerprint scanner. Apple computers are way more expensive than PC’s that are worse than them. The only remarkably about Mac’s are the software, which is the only thing they have patented but it is just a front, Apple has nothing new but how it’s laid out with the individual bubbles and the create of “Apps”. It seems all their effort goes into making their products look futuristic, I mean come on the Mac Pro is just a cylinder. Mac’s have their place, because the computers are designed completely for video editing and creating animations, but there is no reason for someone who does not need it for those things to have one. People are sucked into the fact that, hey it costs the most so it must be the best. But that fact is not true. The software has the looks but nothing else of value backing it up. Learning to use a regular PC is just as hard as using a Mac, I would say Mac’s are harder just because using programs and accessing things are harder on a Mac.

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