Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is back in the news and is growing more popular than ever. A company called Oculus VR is working on a major project called the Oculus Rift, and so far its a success. They started out on Kickstarter where they were extremely successful in raising enough money for their project and have begun testing their new products with buyers. It has grown in popularity because of the company’s presence at just about every big convention and in everyone they are allowing demos or showing something new off. The new VR experience is so amazing and in depth that special precautions had to be made with first time users at the exhibits, you have to sit down with your back to a wall while an employee sits with you and helps explain you through it. It is supposed to be extremely distorting but feels amazing when you get used to it. 

What it is is a headset with HD displays on the inside that have huge fields of view. It has a gyrostabilizer that makes the world move as you move and is said to make it extremely immersive. There have been talks between game development companies and Oculus, and there are speculated that deals have been made, so you might start seeing games that make use of the Oculus Rift soon. 
You can buy a “dev kit” or developer kit from their website, but when they announced they sold out very quickly. You can place an order for one and they are surprising only 350 $ which is very cheap for what they do. There have been other advancements in accessories for the Rift, with things like a treadmill that moves with you, so while you wear the headset you can walk on the treadmill and actually move your character in the game. They have extended over they’re displays and exhibits in conventions as well. They have a digital model of Westeros, the imagery continent that the popular show Game of Thrones and the book series A song of Fire and Ice. They’re lasted big news is that Facebook has offered to buy their company for 2 billion dollars. They have accepted and Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook says he will also begin developing for educational purposes as well.

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