Sunday, April 20, 2014

How protected are you?

Well last week the heartbleed bug was running rampant and everyone was watching out of it but how safe are you online? Well it turns out the heartbleed bug was going on for months and it just came out that it was a serious threat and affecting millions and was a major problem but no one know about it. It turns out that only a handful of people who work at this companies are the reason if you have the virus or not. The threats online are so  severe that you are warned not to use debit cards online and be wary of sites, watch what you download, your information is never safe online. Why is this such a big problem and why has it been a problem for so long?
One of the most downloaded things is antivirus security and business are run off of people needing their computer cleaned out of virus and Trojan horses. The biggest problem is the general populations knowledge of computers. Most people don't bother learning the basics of computers let alone the advanced stuff like reading and learning how to really work the in depths parts of computers. This is all understandable because it is a lot to learn can be very confusing and does not make a lot of sense. So companies try to make it very simple and easy to use, simplifying everything, generally just giving people yes or no questions, doing short titles and hiding all the complicated stuff behind cute little images of folders and icons. But the problems is hackers and virus are easily able to hide behind this very brief data given to you and get access though a yes or no question that you don't realize you are making. Because you using a computer is so easy you can accidentally download something wrong. Everyone does this and only a few people can really fix it. People don’t have the time or dedication to learn all this things and how to protect ourselves from them. The fault lies with the people you do trust, the people you hire to fix the problem. So make sure you know what exactly is wrong with your computer when you take it in and try to get the people who helped you to explain everything. Little things like this can go along way to protect yourself the next time.

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