Thursday, April 24, 2014

OnePlus One

The new smartphone coming out of OnePlus is hyped to be groundbreaking and being called a “Flagship Killer” product. One of the reasons that the product is supposed to be groundbreaking is because of all the new hardware that is launching with it. Not only is it the most powerful phone that is coming on to the market, it is also set at one of the cheapest prices only being 300 dollars. It is launching with the newest processor from SnapDragon, leaders in the advancements of phone hardware.
Another advancement was the increase in screen size of the phone, but without increasing the size of the actually phone that much. It has a quad-core processor, each 2.5GHz which makes it extremely powerful compared to its rivals. It packs 3 gigabytes of RAM, which is equal to many of its competitors. But the fact that it is a more advanced type of RAM  that allows it to run multiple Apps effortlessly at once. Its powerful camera outclasses many other smartphones allowing it to take breathtaking shots.
The operating system it runs off of is a modded version the android system that was the highest rated among operating systems by users. It has a new type of sensor built into it that will allow you to use gestures and signs in order to use functions without touching the screen. It has a new type of battery that is designed to last as long as possible with special sensors that limit use and its backlight  allows so it does not allow extra use. The battery is allowed to run all day long, plus a new system in the battery that allows it to charge faster.
Another big selling point for the phone is its ergonomics, that are specially designed for use and being held by a person. It has light sensors built into it to change the lighting of the screen as to lower battery use. The Wifi device inside it is stronger than other devices in order to give it longer ranges so it is easier to stay connected.
This phone is not out yet, but if it follows through even most of the features it promises it will indeed be groundbreaking. The fact that it is priced so low is amazing considering it is hundreds of dollars cheaper than the flagship phones on release. This is definitely a phone to keep your eye on.

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