Saturday, April 26, 2014

Is Twitter an Absurd Company?

Why is the company Twitter or TWTR as its stock is called, a terrible and absurd company? No I don’t mean that the use of it as a media device is bad, even though my personal opinions are that it is a generally a waste of time with all the nonsense like people tweeting what they are doing all the time. The company as a whole is a bad idea because it is not successful at
Yes the company does make a lot of money through ads, paying for followers, and donations. But the amount of loss this company faces each quarter is astounding, they have had 13 losses quarters in a row. They don’t any positive income, nor do they even do that much work for the a lot of money they have to spend. People are starting to ask questions and wondering if all the promises the company has made are true. They continue to say that they will start making money and see positive gains, but they have been saying that for a year. They have adding features desperately trying to make money but they just seem to spend even more. They have thousands of employers, but what do they do? Why is there so much spending in the under levels of the company if they are losing so much money?
The problems is obvious, the people who own the stock of twitter need to just sell it. It is worth nothing, the company will continue to lose money until people finally lose faith and just pull out. They have recently just had a major crash in stocks and a lot of people are starting to pull out. Twitter continues to tell investors to just hold on, they will start making positive income soon, but the huge problem is the Twitter’s growth has slowed greatly. Not that many people are joining and the ads are not making nearly enough money to support the huge company. Twitter will follow most media sites and will lose a lot of its popularity. Right now the growth is falling way under predictions from the company and unless twitter starts lower its costs they will eventually fail. A large reason is because when Twitter became public the stock shot up way higher then it should have because people had a lot of expectations for it because the success of facebook.  

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